Tourist Office – Auronzo Misurina

Ultimo aggiornamento: 16 settembre 2024, 09:39

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Tourist Office – IAT Auronzo - Misurina - Tre Cime

Two info points are located in Auronzo di Cadore and Misurina:

Tourist Office – IAT AURONZO

Phone: +39 0435-400078


Every day from 9 am to 12 am; on Monday and Saturday from 4 pm to 7 pm


Tourist Office – IAT MISURINA

Phone: + 39  0435-39016

Timetable: (Summer openings) from 9:30 am to 12.30 am and from 2 pm to 5 pm


The IAT office offers the following services:

  • infopoint and tourist hospitality
  • divulgation of events
  • licence of mushrooms and fishing
  • trekking advice

You can explore the Consorzio Turistico Tre Cime Dolomiti (external link) website in order to obtain other info about the accomodation.


Accomodations (PDF)

Restaurants (PDF)

Guide of Auronzo-Misurina (PDF)

Weather forecast (external link)

Trek Auronzo-Misurina (file PDF)

Map-karte Auronzo-Misurina (file PDF)


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